Nashville Superintendent Could Face the Music For Playing Misogynistic Rap Song

Metro Nashville Schools Director Dr. Shawn Joseph’s love of explicit rap music is hitting a sour in the district.

An attorney, Jamie Hollin, told NewsChannel 5 he represents “more than five” principals who attended a recent principals meeting in which Joseph played a portion of the song “Blow the Whistle” by rapper Too $hort. The song title refers to a sexual act in street lingo.

According to Hollin and other principals who spoke to NewsChannel 5, Joseph told the group that, when dealing with a difficult board, he sometimes hears the song in his head. He played the following lyrics:

I go on and on.

Can’t understand how I last so long.

I must have super powers.

Rap two hundred twenty-five thousand hours.

A school district spokesperson said Joseph cut off the song to avoid any explicit lyrics.

However, the lyrics go on to use a word for women starting with the letter “B” several times.

One female school board member has filed a complaint with the district’s civil rights coordinator.

“I could not understand how this misogynistic song could be appropriate in ANY educational environment,” board Vice Chair Jill Speering said in the complaint. “What kind of example does this set for principals, teachers and students?”

The Tennessean quoted Speering as further saying, the song was “highly offensive, reprehensible and inexcusable” to play in public.

Board Chair Anna Shepherd told The Tennessean she also spoke with several principals who weren’t offended.

Speering and Joseph have disagreed throughout this year’s budget process, the newspaper said. Speering’s complaint says that the song is meant to disparage herself and board member Amy Frogge for their opposition to Joseph.

One of Joseph’s fraternity brothers recently accused Speering and Frogge of engaging in what he called “a public lynching,” NewsChannel 5 said. The superintendent also went on a radio show and compared himself to President Obama.

“They beat up the last president I knew, Barack Obama,” Joseph said. “So, you know, it’s expected. It’s alright. I’m going to try to keep cool like he is.”






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9 Thoughts to “Nashville Superintendent Could Face the Music For Playing Misogynistic Rap Song”

  1. […] has generated his own controversy. The Tennessee Star reported last May that his playing explicit rap music during a principals meeting led to a civil rights […]

  2. Mothers Against Failing Schools

    Maybe students will walkout in protest. Well ,maybe as long as it’s not Saturday or summer break .

  3. Brian McMurphy

    Too $hort loves women. Why else would he pimp a product he can’t get behind?

    Hashtag Pound Me Too.

  4. James Hammontree

    What does affirmative action affirm? It is racial discrimination in reverse!

  5. Brian McMurphy

    Blow your budget, hire your cronies, flip off your colleagues….how’s that Affirmative Action pick working out for you Metro School Board?

    They insisted on this guy. Something else he’s just like Obama – a divisive, know nothing bigot who hides his incompetence, illegalities, no bid crony hiring and malfeasance behind his skin color. And deals his race cards from the bottom of the deck.

    The School Board should resign for their mistake. This is a disaster of their making.

    1. Steve

      If you want to see something really pathetic (almost every week) just watch the School Board Meetings on the local cable channel. They accomplish nothing while Joseph continues to know all the answers! Meanwhile, our public education in Nashville is a total disgrace and the average graduating student is totally unprepared for employment.

  6. Wolf Woman

    What’s wrong with Nashville that we have a tacky school board director who likes disgusting rap songs denigrating women and can’t keep his department within their budget? No wonder our public schools are so bad.

  7. Rick

    Get rid of this guy. He is bad news and it will get worse. He has zero leadership qualities. Metro schools should have never hired him in the first place.

  8. Eric

    This clown seems to get away with all kinds of crap. He overspent this years school budget and the board did nothing about it.

    RAP is vulgar. Period. End of story!
